Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Flatten Your Tummy

Type: An e-book that teach you how to flatten your tummy.
Format: pdf
File Size: 1.24MB
Pages: 60
Download: Click Here

“An Idle Butt is the Devils Fat Depository”
David Grisaffi, Personal Fitness

What's the best way to build abdominal muscles?

Answer: This is by far the most frequently asked question I get. Abdominal muscles are the
most desired muscles that people (male or female) want developed and improved.

Usually, the questions are followed by comments such as, "I do 100 sit-ups a day and I'm not
seeing any results.” That is why we are here. This book will outline the information you need to
improve your body in this region, which I often will refer to as the ‘core’ region.

And this core musculature is made up of many different muscles and muscle groups. To target
the entire core area we must address each of these groups and prescribe specific exercises. All
that we do must correspond to improving not only aesthetics but also their natural function if you
want results.
Exercise is an extremely important, however not the only factor considered when
defining the midsection. Everyone has abdominal muscles; however, most of the
population never sees them due to the “spill over effect” of fat hanging around their
midsection. The trick or solution to finally viewing the abdominal region underneath is
simply a core-conditioning program like this coupled with a fat loss nutrition program
like Don Lemmon’s KNOW HOW.
If you want to see the core region and the six-pack,
the fat has got to go. This is done through diet. The shape of what lies beneath
depends upon your conditioning.

By making a couple of adjustments to your current schedules, you can have those prized abs
you’ve always wanted within a couple of weeks or months in extreme cases, and not years as
you might have expected.